Belajar Scuba Diving Open Water Jakarta

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Contact Us

Alternative contact: 0818-492-722

Silakan menghubungi kami dengan mudah melalui nomor kontak pelanggan dan email yang tertera di atas untuk layanan informasi, konsultasi dan penjualan paket-paket di bawah ini.
Please feel free to contact us easily through the customer contact number and email listed above for information services, consulting, and sales of the packages below.
  • Dive Courses
  • Snorkeling
  • Dive Equipment Rental
  • Outbound
  • Event Organizer
  • Transportation
  • Catering
  • Accomodation
  • Souvenir

Lihat aktifitas SERU Mazu Divers di halaman facebook kami. Mohon like dan share-nya.
Please find our activities on our facebook page, and don't hesitate to like and share.


  1. Hi,
    My name is David and I have a free weekend on the 26th and 27th November and would like to book on your weekend 4 dive package. I would also need to hire a full set of equipment for the dives. I am on my own so would like you to tell me if this is possible and the total cost.


Contact WA